Face Masks and Proud Apparel for U.S. Patriots
We Honor, Serve, and Protect Our Veterans and American Patriots!
We are Black Flack Warriors™ by Davö. We honor, serve, and protect our military veterans and American patriots. Too many times, those who serve in our military are not provided the opportunities, services, or paramount respect they deserve when they return to civilian life. We owe our freedoms and opportunities to these heroes. Their sacrifices can only be understood by fellow veterans and on very rare occasions, close family members. Veterans give us the best years of their lives so that we may live in these United States of America. A country that other nations respect and admire, and aspire to be like – We are a country that provides safe heaven for many that run from persecution and tyranny. And it is our veterans that defend these principles. They deserve better. They deserve more. Tell any veteran you see that you “Honor, respect, and appreciate their service.” Salute! Davö
We Provide Free Protective Masks to Our Gold Star Families
Help us provide Gold Star Families FREE masks. I donate my time 100%, but your donations help me cover the basic materials, production, and shipping costs so that we can provide gold star families masks.
If you are a Gold Star family member and would like more information, contact me personally at davo[a]blackflagwarriors.com to make a request.